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Taylor Swift Singapore Concert


I've always been a Taylor Swift fan from the first day I heard her song, Love Story on TV and within the same week, memorized all her songs by heart. But shortly after, I grew up and realized that her genre of songs isn't exactly what I love (for a period of time). But time and again people always caught me singing along to most of her songs whenever I hear it playing anywhere and they were just convinced more than I was that I am a SWIFTY. Until this week when I was given a surprise as my early birthday gift did I realize that I am actually truly a fangirl for Taylor. The 1 hr before the show when I was already at the stadium and just found out that I was going for her show was just exhilarating for me. I never once knew that I was this big a fan of her's and I am so appreciative for this treat. Mainly because through the concert, it made me realize that in Love, you'll experience more than what you'll hope for. You'll burn, you'll bleed and you'll cry. Especially when you love too hard. And for some people, you'll never be lucky enough to end up with the one you truly love. But that's ok. Because everything happens for a reason. What's your's will ultimately be your's no matter where you run to. No matter the number of years passed. 

We were seated near the front of the second stage and though most of the time we had to watch from a distance that was still clear, unfortunately my handphone camera just isn't as good as our eyes. Apparently this concert was a last minute thing that was organized and not surprising, it was full house. But anyway, where we were seated was good view too cause the middle of the performance was performed just in front of us and we could literally see and touch her. Didn't know I was this crazy about her. But the night was just out of this world for me. 

I didn't want to waste my precious time recording too much but actually wanted to spend time enjoying the show. So this was the only video I took of her amazing performance that I'd like to share with you guys. If you like this post, click on the share button just below this post and leave a comment. Enjoy!

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