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Natural Collagen for your face - Collajam Face Treatment


This is going to be a really long post cause I want to share as close an experience as I had. So sit tight, and read on....

I've been having very persistent bad skin a few months back. And sadly it's been persisting for the longest time ever. I've always had ups and downs with my skin since my younger days, though mostly clear. I had no problems using off the shelves products till the past 2 years and I'd gladly attribute it to work stress. So the past couple of months, my skin decided to start a fiesta for a prolonged period and despite being even more diligent with my facial routine, it just persisted. In the past, no matter how stressed I was or what kind of unearthly food I had, considering Macdonald was my staple at whatever hours I craved for, I never had any problems. And sleeping at late hours didn't cause any issues anyway. Whatever I did, my skin was just good enough to me for most parts of my life. It was a really daunting process until I decided to head back to my trusted facial salon and let them take the situation under their care. So here I'm going to share my experience with you on the progress of this specific treatment.

Before we begin, here's a short introduction to what this treatment is about. This treatment called CollaJam is what most women above the age of 25 should start to consider using. As after 25, our body starts to experience a reduction in the production of collagen which is key to making us look young. Hence, this is where the treatment comes in. CollaJam can be used on the face, neck, arms and body to tighten skin, minimize stretch marks, improve skin tone and texture and brighten the complexion in as little as 3-5 days after the first treatment.

As you will see later below, my skin condition was taken immediately after the first session of treatment and what I felt for the first 3 days is an incredible amount of itch on both my face and my neck. This is due to the Colljam treatment which encourages skin renewal and regenerates the natural production of collagen from beneath our skin.

This non invasive treatment helps to plump up your skin and reduce wrinkles, almost similar to what Botox does. The natural sea particles suspended in a gel like substance used for treatment is used to additionally give a good exfoliation on top of its plumping/tightening effect.

As you can see, even with all the make up covering, my skin is still pretty bumpy and with red spots. When I was younger, I didn't need to apply a full face of make up every single day back in school. This allowed my skin to breathe and was alot healthier. However ever since I started working, the continuous hours of working late nights with full face make up and the staying up till late was just not doing any good for both my health and my skin. And I guess by this time, my skin has started kicking a HUGE fuss - time to take care of myself.

So before the treatment began, my eyes were protected with an eye patch. Thereafter, the 20 minutes long [or rather really short!] treatment started with my beautician applying the gel scrub on my face and neck and continuously gently massaging for a good 10 minutes.

Throughout the treatment, my skin felt a little prickly from the exfoliating process and a steamer was used to blow hot air onto my face to keep my face moist, skin supple and soft and pores opened. Through the scrubbing, not only was my dead and dull looking skin cells removed, I could feel that my skin was being stimulated.

So after treatment, this is how my bare skin looks. Of course no treatment is going to miraculously recover damaged skin immediately especially only after 1 session. And I'd like to show you guys how real this process is for me. Though I can't show you my AFTER pictures after the complete session right now, but in time to come if you regularly follow my blog, you'll be able to see the progress of my skin.

For this treatment, a set of complete session consists of only 2 treatments of an interval of 10 days between each treatment. Exfoliation and collagen reorganization results are apparent within 48 hours, as the tightening and firming results will increase with time as natural collagen is produced over the next 45-60 days.

After treatment, you are not allowed to wash your face with any sort of cleanser for 48 hours and it may itch to varying degrees. My experience was almost unbearable towards the last few hours when my neck started to itch so bad that I was subconsciously (I think) scratching it. Of cause this is highly not advisable but I just thank God that my face didn't itch at all. Itching would be inevitable depending on how sensitive your skin is, especially on the neck. From the first day on, I could feel the tightening of my skin, and over the week. And a slight peeling occurred over the next 48 hours. But my favorite part was that it dried up some existing acnes on my skin that after the week, it would just fall off.

But of cause this treatment/post wasn't aimed to deal with my bumpy skin. Its just one of the few treatments I am concurrently doing to fasten the face to recovery. These are non touched up pictures and in a few months, I would show how my skin has improved.

If you're interested in trying out this treatment, usual price is set at $350/treatment, and $480 for 2. A recommended 2 times would show better results. However, quote MillieBay when registering and
a special discounted rate would be given for this treatment. 

M & G Aesthetics Beauty Care
  • No.9 Scotts Road
  • Road Pacific Plaza #03-05
  • Singapore 228210
  • Tel: +65 6733 6742 / +65 6734 1651

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