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emerginC Organic Lip Treatment - In Lips We Trust


I have a habit of keeping things for too long and not realizing that I am always sitting on good stuff. Till at least I really needed it then I'd remember. So these days its been really hot and humid outdoors, but when you're indoors, the aircon just keeps blowing so strongly. And if you're really busy like most people are, you'd forget to drink enough water. And that's what happened to me at the start of this month which led to severe lips cracking. 

When that happened, I then drank massive amounts of water. And on top of it, I started using one of my favourtie tinted lip balm from Nevea just because it was conveniently in my bag. And no matter how much I layered over and over during the day for 2 days, it somehow just got worse! Even with me chugging down loads of water. That was when I remembered about Emergin C's Organic Lip Treatment - In Lips We Trust. It was given to me previously just for testing but I didn't really have any severe lip conditions then. So I couldn't really test out how good it was. Till now.

So here is what I have instore for you guys. I tried to take the whole process as best I could. But pardon the low quality of the pictures. You'll still get what I mean though. 

Above was how badly chapped and dried out my lips were. You can even see craters on the lower lips and it wasn't even due to peeling. While on the upper lip, deep lines from the dryness is just significantly visible even on such low quality pictures. So you can only imagine just how bad the condition was. And this was after 3 days of just drinking water and using the Nevea lip balm - No effect. Or rather, it was still getting worse. 

And now, the treatment begins...
Day 1 started with applying the treatment the night before and a couple of times during the day. When I applied it, I realised that no matter how much water I drank, I could still feel it lasting on my lips. So I didn't have to reapply it that often. Which was great since I'm always so busy during the day.

On Day 2 of the treatment, I was pretty amazed with how much it has improved just in a solid day. I'm sure gulping down gallons of water helped. But I'm also quite sure that most of it was because of the application. I was definitely impressed! Sure you can still see the lines. But the dents are completely gone!

On Day 3, my lips started to become slightly plumper. and I had some small amounts of skin flaking as you can see on the top right of my upper lips. While during the day when I wiped my lips, bits of dried skin came off effortlessly. I was really surprise at how fast the improvement was and wanted to see how fast it would completely heal. So I religiously applied as before. Once a night and 2-3 times in the day as when I'm free. 

And finally by Day 4, this was how it looked. I'm shocked and impressed. And a definite fan for this particular item. I didn't have to do any scrubs at all and it definitely worked!

Well, so this is how the little magic tube looks like. I really love it not just for the results experienced, but also from the fact that it is a truly organic product. Nothing beats knowing that what you're constantly applying on your lips and thereafter ingesting it is actually safe for your consumption. And that also means that it doesn't discolor your natural lip color like alot of other make up and skin care does to your lips. 

A tiny amount of clear goo is just what you need each time. There are 2 ways I would recommend for such treatments to be used of your preference. Since this isn't just a smear on and get to work type of product, but rather a real treatment. 

Step 1: Apply treatment on clean fingers and then rub it into your lips in circular motion. This would make sure that all the dents gets a good dose of it, and it prevents the rest of the tube from contamination. Make sure you take care of the corners as well.

Or... (which I don't quite encourage, but to each his own)

Step 2: Apply it directly onto lips in circular motion, massaging the treatment into the lips. Make sure you clean the tip of the tube with clean tissue to prevent contamination. 

The circular motion helps to stimulate blood circulation for the renewal of skin, and helps to ensure that most of the goodness gets directly applied to every nook and cranny of the lips. Which is what we want. 
So with all said and done, this was my personal experience with this little goodie and if you constantly have chapped lips, look no further. Just pop by Taka B1 and get it for just $39. Definitely an essential and worth every cent. Especially for a colder climate Vaca.


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