
Fashion Beauty Food Lifestyle

Serenity at Vivocity


Valentines was just any other day because it was simply a work day. Except that we would prep ourselves up for a lovely date after. So then we decided to have Spanish that night and headed to Serenity at Vivo. We wanted something that had a nice ambiance, nothing all too fanciful but still relaxing enough, with decent food. But I can tell you nothing of that sort happened. And if you guys were ever deciding to head over to this place, I urge you guys to NEVER bring your date over. After hearing what other friends had to say about this place makes me wonder how it can still survive. On regular days, food takes 45 min to get served. While on a special occasion day, it took MORE THAN A GOOD HOUR! Whatever it is, I'll never be going back again for sure.

Service was terrible as well. After waiting for 45 min after ordering, getting the staff's attention to check when the food was all too difficult. Though none was nasty or that sort, but just to get help to check on how much longer food was going to take was an impossible task! And the worst thing is, they never got back to us despite us engaging easily 4-5 staff for assistance. We were both famished and had other plans as well. But we were stuck.

To make the night even far more worse, food was nothing good either. I would have thought that since we were so hungry, any decent food would taste good. Unfortunately, the pork i ordered was so tough, I couldn't chew through it and had to swallow it whole. The lamb that JJ ordered however was decent. But I hear that Valencia Paella isn't something to go for either. And despite waiting that long already, by the end of it dessert wasn't served and we had to leave the place. We just couldn't stand wasting our time any longer there and another minute there was just making me feel extremely annoyed. Dinner was just a nightmare.

Still happily waiting for food, joking around.

After waiting for too long and getting bored.

Tired of waiting and way tooooo hungry.

And then finally, it arrived!!! I was soooo happy. Till i took a bite on the mains. The appetisers were still decent. But after finishing it, it took another while for the mains to come. So the same goes for dessert. Which was why we didn't even get to see ours.


        One of the worst place to go to on a special date. Way over price for its food and service quality. 

OOTD from COCONAF - classy at work and night

Hope you guys had a good one. Make everyday your Valentine! 


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