
Fashion Beauty Food Lifestyle

Kérastase Shampoo and Conditioner Review


Its so easy these days to find good shampoo/conditioner that leaves a good and lasting feeling. Till you stop using it, that is. But its not that easy to find a shampoo that gives you a treatment that absolutely repairs your damaged hair. But today, I'm gonna share with you an even rarer breed. Shampoo and Conditioner that made it to the top brands in the market and costs a bomb --- wait for it --- but absolutely causes you more damage than ever. Seriously!

I have been eyeing this particular brand for a few years and never thought I had the heart to spend on these. But thinking that it's going to be an investment to my hair in the long run, I finally gave in and got it. My hair is generally slightly oily on the roots and dry at the ends. But due to perpetual busy schedule, I've neglected it long enough for it to reach the stage where it was dry to the touch. Don't get my wrong. I still do condition regularly. Just lesser to no treatments then. So I got them nasties. I spent $65 on the Kérastase Resistance - Bain Force Architecte Shampoo and $170 on the Kérastase Resistance - Ciment Anti-Usure Conditioner.

They really do smell gorgeous I must admit, but theres just nothing else to it! The shampoo probably washes just like a regular shampoo and doesn't worth itself a $65 one bit. But the conditioner was the worst!!! It caused so much difficulty during each shower and I had to struggle to run my fingers through my hair every single time I applied it for almost 3 months. Yep, I stuck to it for that long just because it was just so freakin expensive! Not just that. After leaving it on for 5 min and washing it off, it still didn't feel moisturised. And after a couple of weeks, my hair started to become so stiff and brittle. Split ends started to become my regular friend and I kept thinking that I just have to bare with it till it finishes. Everytime I brush my hair, no matter how wide the teeth of my brushes are, it still gets caught midway. And every shower, just more and more hair started to fall out. I used to have no such issues previously. And even if I did, it was just for a brief moment and never all at the same time. Sadly, just less than 2 months later, my friends started commenting that my hair is a mess and I realised that I'd have to change it asap. I'm literally still stuck with 2 huge bottles of trash. But I'll still want to try to finish it up if I can and use it once every 2 weeks while using other repair solutions.

So for those who have really oily hair, maybe this could be a solution for you. If you're willing to pay that kinda price and risk having split ends and other unneccessary issues. But for the rest of us, this is such a nightmare product. Just spend your money elsewhere.

Kérastase Resistance - Bain Force 
 Architecte Shampoo - $65

Kérastase Resistance - Ciment 
  Anti-Usure Conditioner - $170

Even after applying regular oil serum,
it still frizzes with multiple 
  entanglements, breakage and split ends. 
  Its also untammable and even a ponytail 
looks bad. How is that possible?! 

Constant frizz and mess no matter what 
  other serum I apply that worked previously. 

If you look closely, you can spot quite  
a few spit ends and it goes up to the 
middle of my hair length.


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