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UFC Singapore - DAY 1


For the past couple of days, I was really lucky to been given an awesome opportunity to take part in something as big as the UFC right here in Singapore. Usually, I only get to write about things related to Beauty. But just 2 weeks before the games, I was contacted and given a chance to explore one of Singapore's biggest lifestyle event this year and watch how our home grown talent, Royston Wee, among other talents took their opponents out. Truth be told, this initially wasn't something I'd dare myself to watch just because its a really rough/ruthless spot. More than what was for my liking. But turns out I couldn't be more wrong! And I love it so!! Enough said. Let me bring you through this long and eventful, never a dull moment journey.

Day 1:

By the time I reached, all the media were already socializing. And it was really nerve wrecking for me initially to just be there, not knowing anyone and just play with the Big Boys and their super pro looking gadgets. Everyone around knew someone and sounded like they really knew the game well and what to ask during the session. I had my own questions of course, but just being there taking in everything was overwhelming. 

So then, the players finally appeared. They each came out in a pair and sat at their assigned seats while we waited to rush up to the ones we wanted to interview. We were all given about 45 min to interview as many as we wanted and since I didn't know the sports in depth, I focused mainly on our local celebrity, Royston.

I just had to keep waiting for my turn to have a go at him with my questions cos there were just too many media lining in front of me. But thankfully all of them were really polite and didn't get rough or rude trying to cut queue. So since then, I figured rather than wasting time queueing to interview him, I just made my rounds trying to snap and hear what other interviewers were asking the other players. 

So here is Kyung Ho Kang aka Mr. Perfect. Hahaha... He really is quite good looking and is really smiley all the time. 

And this is Dave Galera from the Phillipines. The opponent of our underdog, Royston.

Moving on to one of the main cut fighters and his friends cheekily posing and acting like fighters. Hahaha...

Here is Hyun Gyu Lim and his team. The questions from the interview below are those asked by random media personnel because I couldn't get a chance to.  

Q: After this game, what are your plans for the future?
A: Right now rather than looking to the future, I'm only 
   concentrating on Saturday night.

Q: When you got a call to say that you were in as the main cut, 
   did you stop to think if its worth it or did you immediately 
   accept this opportunity
A: I and his friends always joked about me making it to that 
   level and when I heard the news, I didn't believe it and 
   thought my friends were pranking me. But still I wanted to 
   find out if it were true and when my coach confirmed the news 
   I immediately accepted it. 

Q: How did you get involved with the sport
A: When I was in the army, MMA became really popular and I 
   started watching it. So when I left the army, I joined KTT and 
   started training for fights

Q: How do you feel about Saffiedine ( his opponent ) and do you 
   follow his 

A: Well, I did watch some of his fights to better gauge his 
   potential. And though I was impressed that he won the 
   Strikeforce Championship, I wouldn't say he is on my radar.

Q: How do you think you differ from Saffiedine's style
A: We're actually both strikers if you talk about style. But 
   really I feel that I am a better finisher as i'm more powerful 
   and aggressive

Q: So is the Sunglasses now your trademark
A: Ya, it definitely is. Hahaha...

And finally when I went back, it was my turn to interview Royston. It took a good half hour for him to be free for me to even have access to him. I didn't have much knowledge of the game and the players initially and if not for one of my close friend who patiently talked me through it and helped me with my questions, I really don't think I'd have enjoyed myself at all. (THANK YOUUUUU~~~)

Q: How do you feel about being the First Singaporean to fight in 
   the UFC
A: I'm really happy and excited and at the same time honoured to 
   fight in the UFC and its really a dream come true

Q: So do you think fighting on home turf is going to add pressure 
   or is going to act as  a confidence booster for you
A: Its good and bad. Having to fight in my own country and 
   my people to support me is really motivating for me. But at 
   the same time, its also going to give me alot of pressure when 
   I step out and walk out to the octagon and hear the vibrations 
   of the sound. But I feel that its important to have a little 
   bit of pressure because it keeps me on my toes and so theres 
   no room for complacency 

Q: So are your family and friends are going to be there to 
   support you
A: My friends are definitely going to be there to support me but 
   my family, no. Because I don't want my family to watch me live 
   for the first few times. I'll just show them my videos after 
   that and once they settle in and get used to it then they'll 
   watch live.

Q: Your opponent is the URCC Interim Champion, do you have 
   confidence in winning this bout
A: Honestly I have tonnes of confidence. I can't say its 100% 
   because it sounds cocky but i'm at least 99% ready for this 
   fight. I've trained in every single aspect and I've never felt 
   so ready for it.

Q: So how often and intense are your training like
A: For MMA theres so many disciplines in this sport that I have 6 
   different coaches for this fight and every coach only see you 
   at 1 session and not follow you everywhere. So they want you 
   to give them your best for each training. I train twice a day 
   for 6 times  a week and i'm just glad I survived the training 
   because training is 95% and the last 5% is where I perform in 
   the octagon. So if I can survive the training with all the 
   tough guys then the fight is going to be easy

Q: So do you have any idols:
A: Donny Yen and Bruce Lee. Hahaha...

Q: Whats your ultimate goal in your career
A: This saturday is my debut and I hope that for the next few 
   fights I can perform well and hopefully I can fight in the US 
   one day

Q: Anderson Silva vs Chris Weidmen, who do you think is better
A: Both are really good. Its just really unlucky that Anderson 
   Silver kicked and landed on the wrong spot and broke his leg. 
   But he is really a legend. Everyone has always looked up to 
   him. But also thumbs up to Chris as he is the next generation 

And after the whole sharing session, it was time for each pair to pose for pictures with Mark Fisher, CEO of UFC.

Royston Wee VS Dave "Scarecrow" Galera

Kyung Ho "Mr. Perfect" Kang VS Shunichi "RollingStar" Shimizu

I really love Shimizu! He seems so nice to everyone and always seems to be bowing and showing respect to everyone. He is just so gentle and polite. Hahaha... And he somehow just strikes me as a Poly Student. 

Tatsuya "The Crusher" Kawajiri VS Sean Soriano

If you looked closely, most of the veteran fighters have similar kind of ears. Like its been hit too many times that it completely lost its shape. 

 And for the Stars of the night! Terec "Sponge" Saffiedine VS Hyun Gyu "The Ace" Lim

And so, as we were nearing the end, the fighters just standing around, goofing and talking. 

Turns out that the first day didn't end up as terrible as it seemed and I got to focus on not just our local fighter as intended, but also a fair amount with Lim.


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