
Fashion Beauty Food Lifestyle

UFC Singapore - Day 2


Day 2:
The Weigh Ins

Day 2 was generally the weigh ins where each fighters will strip down to their underwear (kekeke...) and weigh themselves for the game tmr. Unfortunately most of my pictures were not taken properly or destroyed so theres really not many good ones I can use here. So forgive me for the blurry pictures.

Just look at the crowd. And it as like this around the four sides. 

Let the with-ins begin!!

Sorry for this bad pic. But just to be fair to those who wants to see him in his underwear. Muahahaha...

He sure knows fashion - WIll "the kill" Chope

Max "Blessed" Holloway

And my fav: Shunichi :RollingStar" Shimizu doing his trademark pose - So Cute~~~

Shimizu really can't seem to look serious or fierce 

The celebrities of the show. Lim and Saffiedine

Hyun Gyu Lim aka The Ace

Tarec Saffiedine aka Sponge

Yay! Finally a picture with Lim! Hahaha....

Alright for the lovers/fans of Azusa Nishigaki, one of the 2 octagon girls that night, here's some pictures you can further fall in love with. Haha.. She really is the most friendly person who is very open and willing to take pictures or answer questions for anyone who comes up to her. She is so obliging that I didn't see her reject anyone even though she was so tired with the numerous of photoshoots and interviews she went through that day. And yet some media who waited a bit longer for her to have a round with her actually threw tantrums just because she was busy having an interview with other media.

Azusa having an informal interview with Amelia from Nylon.

A guest fighter who dropped by to say Hi to Azusa

Everyone playing around the moctagon. Boys will be boys when you put a hot babe near a fighting ring. Hahaha....

Haha... Everyone wants to have a go with the Octagon's board. Even the crew themselves.
But then again, seeing how hard they worked, they really do deserve abit more of such fun. While interviewing and hanging out with the crew and Azusa, it made me realise that it is really is no joke being in their position. But yet they are all so very nice and friendly and would try to get things done as soon as possible when you ask them for help. 

While being there, I saw and heard how Azusa worked really hard because of her schedule but seriously while I was there for the 3 days, the PR team and the UFC crew were actually the busiest. And I cant stress enough how exhausted they all looked even before the day was over. Despite having to nanny the fighters and the octagon girls, they had to make sure that the media people who were throwing a fit because they waited too long or because they didn't get what they wanted were taken care of and appeased. And on top of it, they had to make sure that everything was following accordingly to the timings of the schedule. 

I was initially scheduled to follow and interview Jessica Cambensy. But turned out that poor girl fell so sick she was puking her way through a photoshoot. Just imagine that happening to you when you're suppose to work and you're so far from home and family. But the PR Team quickly managed to get her rested and cancelled the rest of the meetings with the media for Jessica which was in my opinion the obvious and only way. But surprisingly instead of just telling me that the interview was cancelled, they actually called to explain and asked me that if I wanted, they could arrange a slot for me with Azusa. Its really amazing how they handled the whole situation that not only did I not feel annoyed by the last minute cancellation since I was already there. But they made it impossible to be upset with them because they were all being so nice and apologetic about it. Instead of the usual take it or leave it attitude most people gave.

But enough said about that. Now let me just share what Azusa shared with me while hanging out:

Q: Is it a tough life being a model, especially in Tokyo
A: Not at all. Its very easy. Especially when you love your job 
   and can take very nice pictures.

Q: What is your typical day when you're not modelling
A: I am a dancer. I do broadway. So I go for training about 3-4 
   times a week at collage.

Q: How do you manage to keep so fit and toned. Do you go on a 
   diet for it
A: My regular training is already very intense that I don't have 
   to exercise at the gym unless I want to. And usually I just 
   eat what I want since i'm always moving so it is easy to keep 

Q: What is your favourite brand of make up
A: I like Nars very much. Back in America, a makeup artiste 
   introduced this to me and told me that the colors of the 
   eyeshadow is very pretty on my skin. And I like it alot 
   because its very easy to use and is very glittery

Q: What is the one makeup essential you can't go without
A: I always apply lipgloss especially when I'm working. So that I 
   will always be ready for a picture. If not my lips will feel 
   weird if it wears off.


The whites are for during the game

Look how closely seated the ring side seats are. These are only for the Big Boys in media.
Best seats in the house yo!!!


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