
Fashion Beauty Food Lifestyle

VS MODEL: Barbara Palvin beauty tips



if you party like VS model BARBARA PALVIN, you jolly well should know how to take care of your skin like her and be as picture perfect while having fun like her.

I've always been a huge fan of VS just like many girls and always have fun whenever I watch the show. Whether its the old/new show, I can just have fun watching it alone. And so today, while  watching the 2012 season, I suddenly took note of Barbara and was kinda surprise how I'd have missed her. (Though my personal favourite has always and is still Beharti Prinsloo.) But that aside, I started to google Barbara and realised that she's the next big thing in the fashion world and who better to search more for beauty tips. Especially since she has a radiating glow on her skin which makes anyone jealous!

So before we feel sad about our lazy selves, here are some of her tips that could/might/shall/hopefully will save us:

Barbara makes sure she follows what her mom always says and washes her face with cold water twice a day. That would most probably be in the morning when she wakes up, and at night when she's about to hit the sack.

Her views on make up is: when you're not going out for anything, let your skin breathe. Go au natural baby! Especially for those who have clogged pores, more of this should be done.

A next valuable tip by her grandmother, is to drink a glass of milk right before bed time. Grammy believes that milk generally tightens the pores and helps to make your skin look dewy and youthful.

As for tips she has learnt over the years herself, its what they always say: WATER!!! She tries to make sure she hydrates with about 3-4 litres of water whenever possible so that it cleanses and detox the body. A critical point for good health and skin. And this I can swear by personally whenever I try to consume about 2 litres of it for just a week and more..

Next up.... Her diet and workout regime...

This young model doesn't just get her hot and toned body from her genes.
She is in love with Pilates and works out 2 hours a day for 3-4 days a week.. She basically gets her workout tutorials from YouTube by searching simply for "30 minutes intense training". Kinda shows how real and regular she is at some point. Just like us. And hopefully, achievable for similar results.

As for her meals, a few simple favourites of hers are basically healthy foods like eggs, oatmeal, etc for breakfast which is a MUST MUST every single day.
As for lunch, it consists of chicken Caesar salad with lots and lots of cheese, Chinese foods and sushi.
While for dinner, she likes it to always be lighter than her lunches but still includes things like cheese and salami.

But don't be fooled my beauties, as like most of us, Barbara is a foodie too. So though most of the time she doesn't take junk foods, she still loves other not so healthy meals. But all in all, as what I always believe in is that as long as we have a balance of 80:20 in our diet - 80% healthy and 20% fun food - then all is well and fine!!

Barbara Palvin looking awesome


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