
Fashion Beauty Food Lifestyle

Fish Spa - is it all that great


Its been awhile since Fish Spa has become a pampering alternative to pedi care in Singapore. And they don't come cheap either! But is this slightly itchy yet amusing treatment really all that straightforwardly good? Afterall, its just a handful of tiny fishies nibbling away at your dead skin. How much can that hurt??

WRONG!! And for plenty of reasons. Let me just start with how unsanitized this whole treatment is. I mean, after going at the first person's feet, what with all the athlete's foot, fungus, psoriasis or what not the first person may have, the same group of fishies in the same unchanged tank of water is used to serve you. And the list goes on and on till the end of the day when over 20 people have dipped their foot in it. Okok... So maybe the shop owners have asked you to rinse your feet before going in. But seriously, are you sure you're not gonna catch anything? Furthermore, things like warts on feet are highly spreadable. So the same fish that bit on someone else's wart would most probably nibble at you, sharing the same love it did for the previous person. 

Secondly, they're not that thorough at exfoliation. I've tried it once for a good 2 hours. And believe me when I say that my toes were all wrinkly, I kid you not. But low and behold, once i wiped dry and walked under the sun to check out my 'new legs', THEY WERE IN PATCHES!! Some parts were really clean and bright and nice while some other were still dull. It was too obvious that the job wasn't done well. But that wasn't the worst. I had to walk around with that for a good 2 weeks because even with consistent scrubbing, it just didn't entirely disappear. So I just wasn't even the least bit impress with it. 

And finally..... Well, that's it. I guess the first reason is reason enough for me to not patronize such services because I really don't want to get myself into any unnecessary fixes in the name of novelty. I guess once was good enough. At least I wasn't infected and I bought myself an experience. As for the rest of you who'd like to try this service, think twice before you act. 


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