
Fashion Beauty Food Lifestyle

The Phantom of the Opera


Every Sunday is a lazy Sunday. Just cos we always work so hard like there's no tmr for reasons we all feel isn't worth at all but we still do it anyway. Such is life.... More so in Singapore. So on this very lazy Sunday we kept it simple, with plenty of good rest. And as everyones' been raving about how good The Phantom of the Opera is, I decided to get tickets to celebrate part of our Anniversary. (The other part I haven't had time to share about yet). Especially since i've watched the movie plenty plenty. AND WITH THAT, sad to say it made my expectations sky high for the play today which just didn't hit its mark. I hate it when I just play it out so well in my head way before I experience it. But oh well, that's me. Haha... Just like many other girls i'm sure. Lol.....!!! But i wouldn't say it was bad either. Cos it did carry out all of the key parts that i like, like in the movie. And cos we were sitting at the first few rows which made everything better and special. So that to me would suffice. *Wide Grin* 

And so for our quick and super late Brunch, we had it at the Coffee Bean's Restaurant. It wasn't at all bad, except for the exceedingly high price for the excruciatingly small portion. Butttt, what the hell.... :)

And with everything, we ended off buying souvenirs to commemorate our 3rd year. The key chains are so awesome! Seriously don't they look so cool?!?! Mukakakaka!!! But to those who didn't get to lay your hands on them tickets, it would be good too to watch the movie. I'm pretty sure you'll like it just as much! 


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