
Fashion Beauty Food Lifestyle

Super Foods - Mixed Natural Fruit Juice


Been looking at ways to boost my health with super foods and today I've finally found a good concoction. A green refreshing juice to start the day if you have 15 min to spare. And it goes well on an empty stomach especially for those of you who start off the day without any breakfast. I for one am not because I'm always hungry. And I'm on a new special diet now that gives me the added energy during the day that I need and to help gain some weight to my thin frame. Am anticipating for the day I don't have to hear anyone telling me that I'm too thin anymore. [To those rude many who thinks its ok] But anyhow, back to the topic. Today I'm going to share this awesome sweet fruit juice that is just power packed with all the good vitamins and minerals you need for the day! 

To those who are out to lose some weight: Drink this at the start of the day if you always tend to skip your breakfast.

To those who are trying to gain weight: Add this as a supplement to your diet. You can have this as many times as you'd like during the week.


1/2 Avocado - Contains healthy fats [does not make you fat] in the form of oleic acid, protein, sugar, 
                              vitamin K, B C and E and dietary fibre

2 Passion Fruit - Contains Folate acid, vitamin A, B, C, E, K

2 Yellow Pears -  Contains Potassium, vitamin A, B, C, E and K

**Ice cubes to taste

Simply blend them together and you'll get your superfood drink for the day and ready to go. As this is all fruit, finish it up within the first half hour to get the best out of it. 

If you have a special health drink that you love making, share it with me in the comment box below so that I can try it out. 

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