1) waking up at 9 cos i've been waking at 8 plus to revise previously
2) went with mom to get groceries and then went to the nursery to buy some flowers and
potted plants to do a little part of the garden
3) bought Mac for lunch at 3 plus ( I love Mac. can't seem to stopping eating it)
4) slept from 4-6pm (straight after lunch)
5) considered to go exercising.... since 12pm till now. still considering... heh heh...
6) do facial and nails
7) have dinner and watch glee, gossip girls and big bang theory.
8) plan the outting we're having on 19th march...

This is a productive day... wahahaha.... hmm... its nice to know that my life starts straight after exam. But... soon i have to get back to mugging again cos the finals are drawing near. *sob*
I'm working reali hard to gain weight now. I've been on the Ensure diet for almost a year now, and i've miraculously gained 6 kg in a year. What seemed like an impossible feat is now just 5kg away from my ideal weight. I'm so excited. I've been a scrawny kid from young, though active. But it's always upsetting when people keep saying i'm too skinny and i'll get blown away when the wind blows. So now, i'm really looking forward to being at a healthy weight by the time October comes and i'm birdesmaid for Michelle's wedding!!! Hee...! =D
Anw, if you are interested in effectively gaining weight, especially guys who do alot of weights just to gain weight, you can take this. Its safe and has alot of supplements that are good for your body.
I personally take 2 packets a day, apart from my usual 3-4 meals each day. But i'm not sure how many you should take, cos i'm the kind who does not gain weight even after having an upsize meal from Macdonalds at 11 plus and straight to bed. (Not to gloat or anything cos it's quite torturous) So do adjust gradually when you're first starting. It can be pretty filling, so don't take it before a proper meal, or it defeats the purpose when you don't feel like eating anymore.
I get mine from the Unity store, or any hospital stores. I always get them in a carton of 27 packets which is approximately $60.
If you're afraid of any side-effects, here are the effects i've experience:
1) You start to act crazy, so your frens are frightened to talk to you
2) You start to speak funnily that your English dosen't reali make sense to your
3) You start to lighthouse... (a term used to check people out when u're in your
Oh wait.... that's the Anna effect!!! Haha... From mixing too much with you Anna!!! And Ba, you can't run away unscathed...
But back to the point.. No, there're no side effects. If anything, severe period cramps will be greatly reduced considering that i used to have serious ones previously and now, i don't feel anything anymore. So both guys and girls who want to gain weight healthily, do consider drinking it. Instead of gorging on seriously gross and unhealthy foods.
I can't believe i just wrote a whole entry on Ensure Plus. But here's how it looks like.
PS: I can't find the package that i've been drinking, but i'm showing you guys how it looks like in a different but similar packaging. It comes in a number of flavours, so you don't have to feel like you're drinking the same thing everyday.

PPS: There's many packageing, but if its Ensure Plus, it's what you're looking for. Have fun~
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