Its Chinese New Year already!!! Means that there's only 2 weeks till the exams... I'm scared, but I still allowed myself to take a 3 days break without touching the books. Not voluntarily though. I'll explain in a short while...
Usually CNY takes a full 2 days to do all our rounds, and 1-2 days of pure resting at home. Which i love. Haha... So on the first day, it was all of my paternal side... It went pretty well... Lotsa food and fooling around. Joach and I were given a task to cut watermelon for everyone. At first, it was tedious, thinking strategically how to cut it so that we have enough slices for everyone. In the process, Joach ended up fighting to pry it open as if it were a durian. It was hilarious. But then... towards then end, he got tired and didn't see what he was doing and accidentally dropped the SUPER sharp knife on the floor. Where my foot was.... Naturally, I shrieked... The knife landed just a few CM away from my last toe!!! I was horrified and ran outta the kitchen... Haha... I was sooo glad my toe wasn't severed off. It would have been a Bloody Sunday... Hahaha.....

Me, Rian and Aunty Cat...

Michelle and Aunty Cat...
Our parents didn't attend the gathering cos they were not feeling all too well....

Me and Rianz having fun at the exercising machine...

It was a relatively fun day... So i laughed and ate alot... My aunts were saying I didn't need any persuasion to clear the leftover foods. Haha... That dosen't happen all too often though...
CNY Day#2
This day is most often kept for doing my rounds at my maternal side... Its mostly my favourite cos there're so many cute babies, and superlicious food. And i'm not kidding about the food. Its really good... But.... this year, i didn't get the chance to do my visits. I was more depressed about not going and missing out on the food rather than collecting Ang Baos... But i wasn't feeling all that well. So i stayed in bed for most parts of the day. I was feeling unwell from the night before, but thought it wasn't anything serious. So i just rested...
After a couple of hours, i started to feel that something wasn't right but couldn't pin-point the problem. But soon enough, i was brought the the A&E at Tan Tock Seng... My nasal passage was blocked with something. Till now i'm not sure what... And it has been there from the previous day. It was making my nasal passage, throat, ears and head really painful. And i was only brought to the hospital when i was having breathing difficulties. I was pretty scared about the whole thing...
While i was there, the doctor sent me through 3 stages of examination and eventually did a scope for me. It was really painful when they gave me the medication through my nasal passage, and even more uncomfortable when they slide the rubberise tube into my nose and my throat. I was so scared and in alot of discomfort, i was pinching myself unknowingly throughout the whole process. But eventually, after everything, my doctor said its all ok. So now, i just have throat inflammation. Which is more endurable in comparison to having something stuck in my passage. =)
Hmm... So this year, it's been 2 days of almost accidents... Almost losing my toe and almost suffocating. Hopefully from here on, I will have better luck.
So my wish for this year is to....
1)Do well in Exams
2)Make more new friends in school
3)Have loadsa fun!!!
Happy CNY everybody!!!
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